The Rattled Knitter

A piece detailing my life as a mother and avid knitter.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Wrapped Up

I finally finished my Enid's baby sweater. It doesn't fit her yet since I made it in a 9-12mo size, but if she ever gets to wear it I think it will look really cute. I finished sewing it together during last nights TV watching of Lost and Invasion. It's becoming a knitting ritual. I'm going to start the baby blanket I've been wanting to make for a buddy of Enid's, who is still "in the oven". I picked out two shade of pink and white yarn for it. I hope they do
n't think it too pink!!

Go out dancing but just remember one thing:
You can get a little wink
If you got a little pink
In your swing.

So I was just about to start the blanket when I noticed that the pattern required worsted weight yarn. Grr. That's what I get from relying on my failing memory!! I guess I just assumed that a baby blanket would be made with sporting weight. I thought about altering the pattern to accommodate the yarn I already have, but that would mean I would have to knit on smaller needles and make the blanket larger (in other words, more to knit). I have so many colors and types of yarn in storage, but none appropriate for the blanket...imagine that. Tomorrow I am going to have to make a trip to AC Moore to get supplies.

Sippy Cupping

Enid has be
en using the sippy cup for a long time now; mostly for juices and water after meals. She started to really get the hang of it around 6 months, but she would never drink more than an ounce out of it. For this reason, I never bothered to try putting breastmilk or formula in the cup, but I did over this past week. It has worked out marvelously!! She sucks down her milk without me helping her now (she can only hold the vent-air bottles for short periods). This saves me from purchasing more bottles that she can hold. I think she enjoys being more independent these days. Sippys are so much easier to clean than bottles so I will welcome the change with open arms.

Her Little "Yagee"

Buggy love f
or her dogs continues. She still drops little snacks for them when she has her finger foods. She loves to tug on Shiloh ears so she tries to lure him in with a treat to eat from her hands. He gets so nervous because he wants the treat, but he knows it's against the rules (always the good dog).

So Enid has this little dog that actually John gave me when I had a food poisoning a few years ago. She doesn't get to keep it because it's such a little plushie it may not be safe for unsupervised play. So this dog is very special to her because we use it as a distraction for her changing table. Anyway, she named this dog a couple weeks ago and we thought it was very cute. She calls it "Yagee", which only recently dawned on us that she is trying to say "doggie". How adorable is that? Now we have nicknamed Shiloh "Yagee" because the plushie looks just like him in miniature! He loves the attention this new name is getting him...he's such a ham!!!

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Fruit Salad. Yummy! Yummy!

Enid has started to eat more finger foods. I have been trying to make her lunch mostly finger foods since we have more time during that meal to fool around! We've tried kiwi, banana, apple, cheese, crackers, Cheerios, and tofu so far. Needless to say, I have a lot more finger foods up my sleeve to introduce over the next few weeks. I really need to delve into the fine art of veggie finger foods as well (as my list reveals I'm seriously lacking in that department). Time to start steaming for my baby again! I shouldn't have made so many frozen puree reserves, so I won't feel I have to use them before I start making the cubes.

One Sleeve, Two Sleeve

I haven't finished that silly sweater that she probably won't be able to wear this year anyway due to global climate change! It's so goddamn warm these days for winter. Yeah, it's cooled down a little bit in the last week, but not enough for a sweater...e
specially since she overheats so easily. I blame it on the mother-fucker in the White House for not caring about the environment!! Okay, so maybe it's not solely his fault, but old monkey face seems like the perfect person to pin it on!

Anyway, at least I'm almost finished. I'm halfway through my last sleeve, then all I have to do is sew it together. It probably is too tall of an order to think I'm going to finish it tonight during my shows (Desparate Housewives and Grey's Anatomy), but at least I can try to finish it this week. I have a baby blanket that I have to make soon, so I really need to get back on the ball. I wish I could find more time to work on knitting. I might need to reconsider how I spend some of my other units of time and redistribute accordingly. I really feel like I'm being stretched too thin these days and can't dedicate myself to important non-bug things. It's something to think about.

End of the Night Knitting Update: Well, I didn't fare too horribly with my knitting progress tonight. I finished the sleeve and started finishing. I've sew up the sleeves, now the body needs finishing and the sleeves attaching. Not bad.

Teeny Weany

I am almost finished weaning Enid. I can't believe how fast I was able to shift her to the bottle and how my milk supply declined. I don't even pump before bed anymore and I was getting 8-10 ounces at the beginning of the month on my last draw. I'm hoping that I will be finished with nursing by the end of the month. I may be a little optimistic about how fast I can finish, but we can all hope. I think I'm going to try to run this week since my milk supply is down I'm hoping physical exercise won't lead to the dreaded mastitis. Gosh, I fear getting having the intense boob pain again, but the sooner that I start back on my exercise plan, the sooner I lose more weight.

One thing about my fast wean plan is that I have been in severe hormone flux of the last month. My face has broken out and I'm super bitchy. Things slip out of my mouth really quickly without my self-edit system's approval. Sensitivity to other's goodness, I'm sitting her even as I type analyzing a friend's words. I'm having arguments in my head, but no one else knows I'm having them. Yes, I've turned crazy. It's especially shocking to a person to have intense menstral-type mood swings when I haven't had my period in about a year and a half!