The Rattled Knitter

A piece detailing my life as a mother and avid knitter.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Baby Houdini
No, I'm not talking about a new Baby Einstein video. I'm talking about Enid's little attempt to escape her crib yesterday
after her nap! When I didn't get into her room to get her after her first call, she pulled herself up on the side of her crib. She was so proud of herself. Her eyes were shining and her grin was beaming! John had to come home early to lower the crib because I didn't want anything scary happening on our night out. Sneaky little girl! Yesterday was such a big day in her life. She started crawling and pulling up efficiently all in one day!

Tonight is a TV night (new LOST
and invasionepisodes) so I am hoping to get some knitting done. I have been working on a 9-12mo baby sweater for Enid from The Baby Knits Book. I just have to knit the sleeves and sew the pieces together. It should be pretty cute. It's just a simple raglan sweater, but the interesting thing about it is that it's made solely using stockinette stitch. The collar and sleeves will have rolled edges since there's no border on the stockinette stitch. I think this will be the last sweater I'm going to make for her this season. I need to finish my afghan and start some projects for myself. I have a few gift items that I need to start on as well. Time to stop the talk and knit the knit.


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