The Rattled Knitter

A piece detailing my life as a mother and avid knitter.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Toothy Grin
Enid cut her third tooth last night (left top incisor) and her fourth is clearing on it's way. I don't know if I'm ready for the teeth grinding phase yet. Apparently, her little buddy, Maxine went through that phase when she got her opposing teeth.

Progressive Weaning
I am currently trying to wean Enid. It's a very emotional time I think for both of us. I've decided to wean her though because I would like my body back for a time before number two. I would really like to be free to run again. I have the jogging stroller all rip, roaring and ready to go!! Unfortunately, I am prone to mastitus and vigorous exercise is one of my triggers. I'm also still mostly on my pregnancy diet (eating less, but similar). I would really like to indulge in an alcoholic beverage without the guilt that currently comes along with it. And I long for the day that I won't need the accoutrements that have taken up residence in the nightstand. Oh, and to be able to go to bed when I'm tired without having to spend ten to fifteen extra minutes attached to a pump. I end up procastinating pumping when it's cold and then I'm only going to bed later and later.

I am going to miss the feeling of closeness that comes with breastfeeding. She has become so independent with the bottle that is really not the same. With the bottle, I'm only there to assist her (in her eyes anyway....I actually am bearing most of the weight), but with nursing we are sharing the experience. There isn't anyone that can replace me in that way. She's so serene when she's getting her drink. She will still often relax right into a nap on the tail end of a nursing session. You've got to love those naps (they are so rare in this house!!).
Enid definitely prefers breastmilk over formula though. She will drain a bottle of breastmilk or a boob, whereas she will sip on the formula like I'm giving her pickle juice! Luckily, she only has a few more months until we can introduce milk. I'll bet she will enjoy drinking that almost as much as her father will enjoy having something other than Silk milk in the fridge!!


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